SANDF Regional Works Unit Shows Its Appreciation To DUT

SANDF Regional Works Unit Shows Its Appreciation To DUT

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) Regional Works Unit recently extended its appreciation to the Durban University of Technology’s department of Co-Operative Engagement for the continuous work the two entities have been doing together.

The DUT Co-Operative Engagement received this certificate during its annual “appreciation” luncheon held at the Hilton Hotel, last December, 2018. This annual function is aimed at showing appreciation to the different stakeholders (internal and external) that Co-Op@DUT has engaged with during the course of the year. It was attended by approximately 90 stakeholders from the University and from outside organisations working with Co-Op@DUT.

During the luncheon, Mr Shakeel Ori: Director for Co-Operative Engagement, made a brief presentation highlighting the department’s successes for 2018. Amongst the achievements mentioned in the presentation were the Dr Richard Maponya Lecture on Entrepreneurship, which was delivered by Professor F Hamdullahpur: President and Vice-Chancellor of Waterloo University, Canada. The other highlight was the World of Work Careers Fair (WoW), which saw 125 organisations participate in 2018.

Once Mr Ori had concluded his presentation, Ms Petro Vorster: Head of Transformation and Communication at NCP Alcohols, expressed her gratitude to Co-Op and its staff as well as students for their continuous professionalism that led to the success of WoW. Furthermore, she emphasised her appreciation to the team that worked behind the scenes in preparation of the WoW event. “We are proud to be associated with DUT, especially since several of our senior staff are DUT Alumnis,” she said.

Towards the end of the event, Captain Solomon: Head of the Regional Works Unit, KZN of SANDF, presented their certificate of appreciation to DUT for its excellent service. The certificate was accepted by Mr Ori on behalf of the University

Pictured: The Certificate awarded to DUT by SAND Regional Works Unit in December 2018.

Noxolo Memela and Shakeel Ori

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