Spring Graduation
Ceremonies 2024
World University Rankings - Top 600



Being an adaptive graduate encompasses living all the Durban University of Technology’s (DUT’s) values and principles as part of one’s way of life. Standing out as a distinctive former graduate is DUT’s staff member, Nkululeko Mbatha, under the Communications unit.

He played a vital role at the four graduation ceremonies which was held over two days (18 to 19 September 2023) that was hosted at the Olive Convention Centre. An essential part of the ceremony entailed the real-time process where Mbatha demonstrated the academic procession protocols, especially  from the point when graduands are on stage in terms of how they should walk, the approach to the registrar or registrar’s representative, where a photograph will be taken. Lastly, he indicated to graduates who were conferred with their diplomas, degrees and certificates to not loiter on stage but return to their seats and remain seated until the ceremony is concluded.

Mbatha was happy to be the ambassador of demonstrating academic protocols, saying that for the sake of keeping these sessions disciplined the graduands must be updated and know what is expected from their end. “This easily helps with the experience of being part of such a calibre of event for all parties,” he stressed.

Mbatha further believes that every student has a role to play in being as an adaptive graduate. “Minds are cultivated on different spheres and spaces. Now with all of us working collaboratively we can easily meet the end goal of producing adaptive graduates,” he added.

In terms of conversing more about the graduation process on stage, Mbatha believes it is extremely helpful. “Demonstrations are usually the easiest for one to learn and interpret. Most people do good with ‘do as I do’ and this makes the process much smoother and easy,” said Mbatha.

When asked if he ever gets nervous being in front of crowds, Mbatha, a former Mr DUT, who has won many accolades in the local and international modelling arena, said at first he used to be extremely nervous.

“I just get anxious from time to time, I suppose it comes with age but I am always able to snap out of it and get on with the programme. However, I am grateful to have been entrusted with some of the very delicate duties within the institution. This has made me grow and enjoy my time spent in my career within the institution,” he said proudly.

Going forward, Mbatha aims to finish his master’s degree and hopefully graduate next year, latest at DUT’s Spring graduation in 2024. “I also want to play a bigger role as a larger contributor in making the institution a better and safer environment for everyone in it,” he said.

Mbatha also congratulated all graduates on their sterling achievements and urged them to celebrate responsibly with their friends and families.

Pictured: Senior Director of Corporate Affairs, Mr Alan Khan with Nkululeko Mbatha who demonstrates the academic protocols on stage.

Waheeda Peters


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